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Folder structure

The first thing you need to do is familiarize yourself with the file and folder structure of the dashboard.

To begin with, please read the Directory Structure section of the Laravel documentation.

While there are various directories, that help organize your application, we shall mainly be concerned with a few of them. These will be the directories where your generated dashboard files (such as indicators, etc.) will go into.

  • app/Livewire is the directory where all your indicator and scorecard files will be stored. Under it, you can have them organized into various thematic or data source based sub-directories (this is achieved by including folders in the names when using the various make commands).

  • app/Mail holds all the Mailable classes which you can modify to affect the emails sent by the dashboard. The corresponding mail templates are stored in resources/views/mail

  • app/MapIndicators holds all the MapIndicator classes that are generated by the chimera:make-map-indicator command.

  • app/Reports is the directory where all your report class files will be stored. Under it, you can have them organized into various thematic or questionnaire based sub-directories. The actual (csv/excel) report outputs are stored under the storage directory.

  • config is the directory that holds all the configuration files that control the various aspects of the dashboard. You rarely if ever need to directly modify these files. Rather, you should use the .env file located in the root directly to set various types of settings that are required by the dashboard.

  • resources/views directory holds all blade templates of the dashboard application. Again, you rarely need to modify any of these files but it is good to familiarize yourself with its organization.