CRVS tables
This vignette presents all of the tables needed in a CRVS report. The variables required for each table are shown alongside a template for each table. The table templates derive from the Vital Strategies’ Production of a Vital Statistics Report: Template.
Quality, timeliness and completeness
Table 3.1
Number of vital events by registration timeliness,
Variables required:
- birth1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- birth1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
Table 3.2
Proportion (%) of births by year of registration and year of
Variables required:
- birth1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- birth1b (Date of registration, Event)
Table 3.3
Proportion (%) of deaths by year of registration and year of
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
Table 3.4
Birth registration completeness by year of occurrence and sex of
Variables required:
- birth1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- birth1b (Date of registration, Event)
- birth2a (Sex, Newborn)
Table 3.5
Birth registration completeness by place of usual residence of
mother and sex of newborn, year
Variables required:
- birth1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- birth1b (Date of registration, Event)
- birth2a (Sex, Newborn)
- birth3l (Place of usual residence, Mother)
Table 3.6
Death registration completeness by year of occurrence and sex of
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2c (Sex, Decedent)
Table 3.7
Death registration completeness by place of usual residence and
sex of decedent, year
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2c (Sex, Decedent)
- death2o (Place of usual residence, Decedent)
- death2p (Place of usual residence of the mother (for deaths under 1 year of age), Decedent)
Table 3.8
Adjustment of births by place of usual residence of mother and
sex of newborn, year
Variables required:
- birth1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- birth1b (Date of registration, Event)
- birth2a (Sex, Newborn)
- birth3l (Place of usual residence, Mother)
Table 3.9
Adjustment of deaths by place of usual residence and sex of
decedent, year
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2c (Sex, Decedent)
- death2o (Place of usual residence, Decedent)
- death2p (Place of usual residence of the mother (for deaths under 1 year of age), Decedent)
Table 3.10
Adjustment of deaths by age group and sex of decedent,
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2c (Sex, Decedent)
- death2b (Age, Decedent)
Table 4.1
Summary statistics on fertility by year of occurrence
Variables required:
- birth1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
Table 4.2
Live births by place of occurrence and sex of newborn,
Variables required:
- birth1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- birth1b (Date of registration, Event)
- birth1c (Place of occurrence, Event)
- birth2a (Sex, Newborn)
- birth3l (Place of usual residence, Mother)
- birth3b (Age, Mother)
Table 4.3
Live births by place of occurrence and place of usual residence
of mother, year
Variables required:
- birth1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- birth1b (Date of registration, Event)
- birth1c (Place of occurrence, Event)
- birth3l (Place of usual residence, Mother)
- birth3n (Urban/rural residence, Mother)
Table 4.4
Live births by age of mother and type of birth, year
Variables required:
- birth1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- birth1b (Date of registration, Event)
- birth1g (Type of birth (i.e., single, twin, triplet, quadruplet or higher multiple delivery), Event)
- birth3b (Age, Mother)
Table 4.5
Live births by age and marital status of mother, urban areas,
Variables required:
- birth1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- birth1b (Date of registration, Event)
- birth3b (Age, Mother)
- birth3c (Marital status, Mother)
- birth3n (Urban/rural residence, Mother)
Table 4.6
Live births by age and marital status of mother, rural areas,
Variables required:
- birth1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- birth1b (Date of registration, Event)
- birth3b (Age, Mother)
- birth3c (Marital status, Mother)
- birth3n (Urban/rural residence, Mother)
Table 4.7
Live births by place of occurrence, site of delivery and
attendant at birth, year
Variables required:
- birth1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- birth1b (Date of registration, Event)
- birth1c (Place of occurrence, Event)
- birth1h (Attendant at birth, Event)
- birth1i (Type of place of occurrence (hospital, home, etc.), Event)
Table 4.8
Crude birth rate (CBR) by place of usual residence of mother,
Variables required:
- birth1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- birth1b (Date of registration, Event)
- birth3l (Place of usual residence, Mother)
Table 4.9
Age-specific fertility rates by usual residence of mother, urban
areas, year
Variables required:
- birth1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- birth1b (Date of registration, Event)
- birth3b (Age, Mother)
- birth3n (Urban/rural residence, Mother)
Table 5.1
Summary statistics on mortality by year of occurrence
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
Table 5.2
Deaths by place of usual residence and sex of decedent,
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2c (Sex, Decedent)
- death2b (Age, Decedent)
- death2o (Place of usual residence, Decedent)
- death2p (Place of usual residence of the mother (for deaths under 1 year of age), Decedent)
- death2r (Urban/rural residence, Decedent)
Table 5.3
Deaths by place of occurrence and place of usual residence of
decedent, males, year
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2c (Sex, Decedent)
- death1c (Place of occurrence, Event)
- death2o (Place of usual residence, Decedent)
- death2p (Place of usual residence of the mother (for deaths under 1 year of age), Decedent)
Table 5.4
Deaths by place of occurrence and place of usual residence of
decedent, females, year
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2c (Sex, Decedent)
- death1c (Place of occurrence, Event)
- death2b (Age, Decedent)
- death2o (Place of usual residence, Decedent)
- death2p (Place of usual residence of the mother (for deaths under 1 year of age), Decedent)
Table 5.5
Deaths by place of occurrence and site of occurrence,
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2c (Sex, Decedent)
- death1c (Place of occurrence, Event)
- death1n (Type of place of occurrence (hospital, home, etc.), Event)
- death2b (Age, Decedent)
Table 5.6
Deaths by age and sex of decedent, urban areas, year
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2c (Sex, Decedent)
- death2b (Age, Decedent)
- death2r (Urban/rural residence, Decedent)
Table 5.7
Deaths by age and sex of decedent, rural areas, year
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2c (Sex, Decedent)
- death2b (Age, Decedent)
- death2r (Urban/rural residence, Decedent)
Table 5.8
Crude death rate (CDR) by place of usual residence of decedent,
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2o (Place of usual residence, Decedent)
- death2p (Place of usual residence of the mother (for deaths under 1 year of age), Decedent)
Table 5.9
Infant and child mortality (deaths per 1,000 live births) by year
of occurrence
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2b (Age, Decedent)
Table 5.10
Maternal mortality by year of occurrence
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death1j (Death occurring during pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium (for females between 15 and 49 years of age), Event)
Cause of death
Table 6.1
Leading causes of death by broad age group and sex,
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2c (Sex, Decedent)
- death2b (Age, Decedent)
- death1g (Cause of death, Event)
Table 6.2
Top 10 causes of death (all ages, both sexes), year
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2c (Sex, Decedent)
- death2b (Age, Decedent)
- death1g (Cause of death, Event)
Table 6.3
Ten leading causes of death, males, year
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2c (Sex, Decedent)
- death2b (Age, Decedent)
- death1g (Cause of death, Event)
Table 6.4
Ten leading causes of death, females, year
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2c (Sex, Decedent)
- death1g (Cause of death, Event)
Table 6.5
Ten leading causes of death, infants and children (0–4 years,
both sexes combined), year
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2c (Sex, Decedent)
- death2b (Age, Decedent)
- death1g (Cause of death, Event)
Table 6.6
Ten leading causes of death, children (5–14 years, both sexes
combined), year
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2c (Sex, Decedent)
- death2b (Age, Decedent)
- death1g (Cause of death, Event)
Table 6.7
Ten leading causes of death, adolescents and adults (15–69 years,
males), year
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2c (Sex, Decedent)
- death2b (Age, Decedent)
- death1g (Cause of death, Event)
Table 6.8
Ten leading causes of death, adolescents and adults (15–69 years,
females), year
Variables required:
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2c (Sex, Decedent)
- death2b (Age, Decedent)
- death1g (Cause of death, Event)
Table 7.1
Summary statistics on marriages and divorces by year of
Variables required:
- marriage1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- marriage1b (Date of registration, Event)
Table 7.2
Marriages by place of usual residence of groom and age of bride
and groom, urban areas, year
Variables required:
- marriage1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- marriage1b (Date of registration, Event)
- marriage2b (Age, Bride)
- marriage3b (Age, Groom)
- marriage3m (Place of usual residence, Groom)
Table 7.3
Marriages by place of usual residence of groom and age of bride
and groom, rural areas, year
Variables required:
- marriage1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- marriage1b (Date of registration, Event)
- marriage2b (Age, Bride)
- marriage3b (Age, Groom)
- marriage3m (Place of usual residence, Groom)
- divorce1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- divorce1b (Date of registration, Event)
Table 7.4
Marriages by age of groom and previous marital status,
Variables required:
- marriage1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- marriage1b (Date of registration, Event)
- marriage3b (Age, Groom)
- marriage3c (Marital status (previous), Groom)
- divorce2b (Age, Wife)
- divorce3b (Age, Husband)
- divorce1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- divorce1b (Date of registration, Event)
Table 7.5
Marriages by age of bride and previous marital status,
Variables required:
- marriage1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- marriage1b (Date of registration, Event)
- marriage2b (Age, Bride)
- marriage2c (Marital status (previous), Bride)
- divorce2b (Age, Wife)
- divorce3b (Age, Husband)
- divorce1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- divorce1b (Date of registration, Event)
Table 7.6
Divorces by age of husband and age of wife, year
Variables required:
- divorce2b (Age, Wife)
- divorce3b (Age, Husband)
- divorce1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- divorce1b (Date of registration, Event)
- divorce2g (Duration of marriage, Wife)
- divorce3g (Duration of marriage, Husband)
Table 7.7
Divorces by duration of marriage and age of husband,
Variables required:
- divorce3b (Age, Husband)
- divorce1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- divorce1b (Date of registration, Event)
- divorce3g (Duration of marriage, Husband)
Table 7.8
Divorces by duration of marriage and age of wife, year
Variables required:
- divorce2b (Age, Wife)
- divorce1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- divorce1b (Date of registration, Event)
- divorce2g (Duration of marriage, Wife)
Table 7.9
Divorces by duration of marriage and number of dependent
children, year
Variables required:
- divorce1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- divorce1b (Date of registration, Event)
- divorce2g (Duration of marriage, Wife)
- divorce3g (Duration of marriage, Husband)
- divorce2d (Number of dependent children of divorced persons, Wife)
Summary tables
Table 8.1
Live births, deaths, and infant and child deaths by year of
Variables required:
- birth1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- birth2a (Sex, Newborn)
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2c (Sex, Decedent)
- death2b (Age, Decedent)
Table 8.2
Live births, deaths, and infant and child deaths by place of
usual residence of mother (births) or decedent (deaths), year
Variables required:
- birth1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- birth2a (Sex, Newborn)
- birth3l (Place of usual residence, Mother)
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2c (Sex, Decedent)
- death2b (Age, Decedent)
- death2o (Place of usual residence, Decedent)
- death2p (Place of usual residence of the mother (for deaths under 1 year of age), Decedent)
Table 8.3
Fertility and mortality indicators by year of
Variables required:
- birth1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- birth3b (Age, Mother)
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2b (Age, Decedent)
- death1j (Death occurring during pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium (for females between 15 and 49 years of age), Event)
Table 8.4
Fertility and mortality indicators by place of usual residence of
mother (births and infant deaths) or decedent (other deaths),
Variables required:
- birth1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- birth3l (Place of usual residence, Mother)
- birth3b (Age, Mother)
- death1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- death1b (Date of registration, Event)
- death2b (Age, Decedent)
- death2o (Place of usual residence, Decedent)
- death2p (Place of usual residence of the mother (for deaths under 1 year of age), Decedent)
- death1j (Death occurring during pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium (for females between 15 and 49 years of age), Event)
Table 8.5
Marriage and divorce indicators by year of occurrence
Variables required:
- marriage1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- marriage1b (Date of registration, Event)
- marriage2b (Age, Bride)
- marriage3b (Age, Groom)
- divorce2b (Age, Wife)
- divorce3b (Age, Husband)
- divorce1a (Date of occurrence, Event)
- divorce1b (Date of registration, Event)