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crvsreportpackage is an R package designed to help with the creation of CRVS reports from record level data. It will produce tables in line with the best practice for CRVS reports.

Simple installation and Basic Usage

In order to use the crvsreportpackage as part of your pipeline with your data, you will need to follow these straight forward commands:

1) Install and Load the devtools Package

Install and load the devtools package if you haven’t already. This will let you install packages from GitHub directly.

2) Install the crvsreportpackage Package from GitHub

Use the install_github() function from the devtools package to install. You need to provide the repository address in the format username/repository.


During this installation, you will be asked to install some required packages so that the crvsreportpackage works correctly, this might take a few minutes. You might get some errors if your R installation is old or there are some necessary package updates, usually the messages on the Console are descriptive.

3) Use the crvsreportpackage Package in your Script

Once you have installed the package, here is a basic example of how to use crvsreportpackage:


# Example Usage
age_grp_80 <- construct_age_groups(ageinyrs, start_age = 5, max_band = 80,
                                        step_size = 5, under_1 = TRUE)

Sample Data Included in the Package

The package has four test datasets, one for each of:

This test data should also serve as a good tool in order to test existing features or develop new ones.